How to Help
IMA Sponsorship
There is no better way to change a child’s life in Guatemala than through sponsorship.
Sponsorship forms the backbone of IMA’s programs. Each student is paired with a donor which funds the education, meals, and opportunities provided to each girl. More than just supporting the costs incurred by each student, the relationships built between sponsors and students have historically created a family of support for the girls to help them stay in school and continue with their education.
Each female student is paired with a donor who funds her education, meals and opportunities. A supporter may choose a partial sponsorship of $35 a month, thus co-sponsoring a girl with others, or a full sponsorship of $70 a month. New sponsors receive pictures of their sponsor student along with a short bio that includes some of her stories and artwork. They are then able to begin communicating with their student through letters and e-mail.

Sponsor a Girl Today!
Want to join an IMA project?
IMA’s ongoing efforts can be tailored to your skills, talents, resources and schedule.
Technology Improvements Project
IMA students currently have access to technology (computers with Microsoft Office applications and Internet) during classroom computer-lab time only. The students do not have computers in their classrooms to improve their skills or to research topics for homework. And yet, with technology progressing to the use of individual tablets and applications, it is important for the girls to have ongoing exposure to and practice with the type of equipment and software that will be part of the future in both education and the marketplace.
$300 laptop, 10 laptops = $3000 (10 HP laptops $5,121.53)
$400 iPad air, 10 iPad = $4000
$20 cable kit, 10 kits = $200
$104/month internet, 12 months = $1254.54
Cage to lock up computers at night = $180
Rolling cart = $3000
Total for entire technology project: $11, 634.54

Old Desks
New Desks
Desks Project
IMA has been using the same desks for almost 20 years. The current desks are made of wood and metal, and have an arm-table for writing. However, there is no place for students’ belongings. Backpacks have to go on the floor, and textbooks are held in children’s laps. Many of the desks are broken or worn and wobbly. What’s more, these individual desks promote isolated learning and an outdated style of learning: copy and memorize. IMA longs to move to more modern and functional group desks with accompanying chairs.
These table-like desks seat four students and have a place for the girls’ items, plus a hook for their backpacks. These desks also promote cooperative relationships, group learning and more dynamic teaching.
Cost: $205 per desk, 6 per classroom, 6 classrooms – $7380
$40 per chair, 24 per classroom, 6 classrooms – $5760
Total for entire desk project: $13,140
Permaculture Project
IMA has under-developed land within the school property that can be used to grow organic food to feed the girls their daily school meal, teach the girls skills in healthy eating and science, provide a revenue source by selling excess to the surrounding community, providing jobs to the local community, and care for the natural resources and environment of Guatemala. This will build on already existing avocado and banana trees and include a wide variety of sustainably grown fruits and vegetables.
Food is an integral part of the school days, as student eat a fresh-made meal each noon from produce and ingredients bought at local markets. Growing our own food will improve our financial sustainability and ability to serve our local community.
To find out more information regarding the costs of this project, please reach out to
Roof Replacement Project
The roof is in need of replacement. During heavy rains, which occur during the summer months in the US, water flows down the light fixture in the center of the room and disrupts teaching as the room needs to be reorganized to accommodate the puddling wetness.
The cost of this project is yet to be determined between repairing or replacing. Please inquire for more information with if you would like to help finance this much-needed project.
Volunteer Opportunities
Learn how to use your time and energy to help IMA’s girls get a quality education.

Service Trips to Guatemala
Ever wanted to travel to a foreign country, put aside your comforts, and volunteer for a great cause? IMA hosts service trips throughout the year, comprised of teams who have a heart and passion for girl’s education in Guatemala. From optometrists to handymen, teachers to artists, everyone has a unique talent that can be used at IMA. Projects are developed in a collaborative effort between IMA staff and volunteers to meet the needs of IMA’s school and to maximize the talents of the volunteer.
If you would like to participate in a trip to Guatemala, please fill out our application form by clicking here.

Help from Home
IMA couldn’t function without its dedicated staff of volunteers. Directors meet monthly to keep IMA running smoothly and efficiently. Each director works with volunteers who have the time and talents to help run IMA’s U.S. operations. We are currently in need of the following positions:
- Newsletter Editor
- Social Media Director
- Chief Editor
- Grant writer
- Partnership coordinator
- Marketing Director
Join IMA’s dedicated team of volunteers by clicking here.